We supplied models for three sessions this week, the animators in Cardiff Bay, our third Wednesday of the month class at Little Man and a Baby Shower in Cowbridge.
Laura was up for this weeks session in Cardiff Bay with the talented animators that meet weekly there. To book our models for your group please do be in touch - andymuse@pm.me

Little Man
Our last session before our summer break and the last session for Beth who is moving on to greater things. A good turn out and plenty of great drawings.

Baby Shower
Andy made his way to the Baby Shower in Cowbridge directly from his Wales Outdoors residential in the Brecon Beacons and delivered a very well received indeed almost two hour session of life drawing with some lovely women, delivered part way between a Hen Party and a standard session.
The pregnant woman who’s Baby Shower this was modelled with Andy in her underwear, showing off her three weeks to go bump for the attending friends to sketch. Andy posed with a few others in the group as well as tutoring the group and upskilling them. Some expressed interest in modelling and who knows, some day in the future one or more may well be models for this group.
You can book us for your drawing class or attend our weekly sketching practice by visiting us at our website.
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